There are few significant differences between Tygrys offer and any of the above mentioned and many others:

  • All services run on fully open source software. No hidden code, no hidden functions. Fully transparent.
    Professionals can verify what is being done with customers data.
  • Each customer get an exclusive, full system to use. E-Mail server is not shared with other customers, Messaging server is not shared with other customers, Projects/code server is not shared with other customers. Database keeping all the data is not shared with other customers. All is yours and only for you to use.
  • There is no per-user charge or subscription. A customer gets a full system with resources to use. There is no limitation on a number of users to create, number of messages to exchange within the system resources capabilities.
    Each system has a specific size and resources, so the customer is limited by physical resources available not by artificial "business rules".